Music As Language Sessions:
Rules and Regulations
There are no age limits for the MAL Sessions competition. All applicants of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to apply.
All applicants must be unsigned and not under contract with any artist representation or a record label.
One chosen winner will receive a free recording session and release of a (one-track) single under the Music As Language Label.
Other winners of the Music As Language Sessions International Music Competition will be offered partial funding to receive a recording session and release of a (one track) single under the Music As Language Label.
Other special awards may be granted based on the judges recommendations.
How to Apply:
To apply, musicians should fill out the Application Form. All applicants must be prepared with the following before applying:
Video sharing site links (YouTube, IGTV, Vimeo, etc.) to full videos of their performance.
A short biography (include any special achievements or prior recognition) under 150 words.
Portrait-style photo of good quality
The application fee for solo applicants is US$100.
The application fee for a band/group is US$200 (up to four group members).
The application fees must be submitted online via the application form.
Submission Rules:
The video submission rules are as follows:
No song performed should exceed four minutes in length.
Submitted videos must be an accurate representation of the skill of the performer(s).
Professional recordings are unnecessary; however, video must be of adequate quality to determine skill.
The songs must comply with the video submission guidelines (see below).
The audio and video must match and be in sync.
Music As Language does not take responsibility for bad links, failure to follow the guidelines, or technology failures/mishaps.
Application Deadline:
The application acceptance for the 2021 Contest will be closed by 11:59 P.M. EST on March 31, 2021.
Video Submission Guidelines:
Genre: All genres of music are accepted and encouraged.
Video submissions with one application form must contain one full song. Applicants wishing to submit more than one song must fill out additional applications.
Video material must be labeled. Video sharing links must have the name and song being performed in the video title.
Submitted songs cannot be changed after they are submitted. You may submit another application to be considered on an alternate song.
All tracks must be under 4 minutes in length
Primary criteria for participant evaluations are as follows:
Participant’s level of mastery of the chosen performance.
Degree of complexity of the music.
Dramatic quality/showmanship of the performer.
Quality of arrangement and originality of the overall musical performance.
Contest Rules:
The final selection of winners will be based solely on the video recordings submitted.
Winners will be selected by Music As Language, who will begin to judge only after the submission deadline has passed.
A participant’s result will not be affected by his/her submission date, provided all application materials are in before the deadline.
All winners will be notified via email no later than June 1, 2021.
Other Information:
Selected winners will be invited to the Music As Language Sessions Event for production of a one-track single.
Performance repertoire changes will not be accepted.
Judges will give no feedback on the applicants’ performances.
Music As Language Sessions does not provide live musicians, but can make recommendations after the winners are announced.
Except for the grand prize winner, other participants will be responsible for their own expenses (travel, housing accommodations, etc.).
Detailed Sessions information will be provided to the participants via email.
To pay the Application Fee online, please complete the application form and submit your payment via the application portal.